Confidante Chronicles

Why Expertise Matters: How the Right Guidance Can Transform Your Results
Jessica Roubitchek Jessica Roubitchek

Why Expertise Matters: How the Right Guidance Can Transform Your Results

Struggling to see results in your business despite all the hard work? Sometimes, the key to success isn’t about doing more—it’s about doing things the right way. Just as a skilled trainer can help you reach fitness goals faster, a strategic expert can help you streamline your business efforts and achieve better outcomes. Learn why investing in the right guidance can make all the difference.

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Riding the Social Media Rollercoaster: Why a Website Is Your True Home
Jessica Roubitchek Jessica Roubitchek

Riding the Social Media Rollercoaster: Why a Website Is Your True Home

Social media is a whirlwind. One minute, I’m reading that LinkedIn is canceling its gold Top Voice badge, and the next, I’m celebrating my newly minted badge—knowing full well it’s about to disappear! This whole saga was a good reminder that social media is rented space, and no matter how much we invest in it, the rules can change in an instant. In this post, I dive into why a well-rounded marketing strategy—starting with a great website—remains the best way to build a lasting brand.

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Why a Broad Network Beats Social Insularity
Jessica Roubitchek Jessica Roubitchek

Why a Broad Network Beats Social Insularity

Building a strong network is more than just collecting business cards—it’s about embracing new connections and being open to the incredible opportunities they can bring. Over the years, I’ve met some of my closest friends and business partners simply by striking up conversations and collaborating with like-minded people. Whether you’re starting a business or looking to grow personally and professionally, remember: your network is your net worth, and every new connection is a chance to expand your horizons and unlock new possibilities.

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Customer-Aligned, Not Customer-Compromised: Protecting Your Business by Knowing When to Say No
Jessica Roubitchek Jessica Roubitchek

Customer-Aligned, Not Customer-Compromised: Protecting Your Business by Knowing When to Say No

Being customer-focused doesn’t mean catering to everyone who walks through your door. It’s about knowing who your true customers are—the ones who value your product or service and contribute meaningfully to your business. Sometimes, this means having the courage to let go of those who don't fit, even if it means taking a hit on your ratings or revenue. Prioritizing the right customers helps you build a sustainable business, invest in those who matter, and protect the integrity of your brand and team.

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I Just Signed My Lease. Now What?
BUSINESS STRATEGY Jessica Roubitchek BUSINESS STRATEGY Jessica Roubitchek

I Just Signed My Lease. Now What?

Are you opening a brick-and-mortar storefront? Taking this exciting step requires more than just great products—it’s about attracting the right customers to your physical space. In this guide, I share proven strategies to create a pre-launch buzz, optimize your local online presence, and plan a grand opening that keeps customers coming back. Learn how to market your new store, build local relationships, and engage with your community for long-term success.

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The Perfect Time to Start a Business
BUSINESS GROWTH Jessica Roubitchek BUSINESS GROWTH Jessica Roubitchek

The Perfect Time to Start a Business

You have a great idea, a unique product, or a long-term dream. Your friends or family insist if you sold it they’d buy it. Or you’ve seen it work in other places and you’re eager to monetize the concept close to home. (Also possibly you hate your boss and never want to attend another mandatory office happy hour or smell your co-worker’s lunch again. Just guessing). 

How do you decide it’s the perfect time to become a business owner? And more importantly, how do you know you won’t fail?

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How to Find Clients After Your Small Business Launch Falls Short: 5 Proven Strategies
BUSINESS STRATEGY Jessica Roubitchek BUSINESS STRATEGY Jessica Roubitchek

How to Find Clients After Your Small Business Launch Falls Short: 5 Proven Strategies

Congratulations on launching your small business! 🎉 If your anticipated clients and sales haven’t materialized yet, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Many new business owners face this challenge. It’s not that you’ve failed; it’s likely that your marketing strategy needs a boost. Beyond social media posts and relying on friends and family, you need a targeted approach to attract the right customers. Here are five proven methods, from building strategic sales funnels to networking and seeking feedback, to help you find your clients and grow your business. Let’s get you back on track!

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I Gave Birth Last Night—And It's Not What You Think
MARKETING Jessica Roubitchek MARKETING Jessica Roubitchek

I Gave Birth Last Night—And It's Not What You Think

After weeks of soul-searching, I’ve redefined MBA Confidante’s true positioning. I've moved away from pointing exclusively to marketing consulting, which under-emphasizes my full skill-set, to highlighting a more holistic strategic focus that helps entrepreneurs build intentional, profitable, and beloved businesses through customer-centric branding and optimized marketing.

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